Are You Waiting to Meet that PERFECT Partner??

Are You Waiting to Meet that PERFECT Partner??

What type of partner are you looking to find? Have you made a list of the most important traits that you want this person to embody? It's important to get clear on what matters most to you in a partner. Sometimes, after going through painful relationships, we discover what we DON'T want to experience ever again in another partnership. Once you complete the list of "must haves..." I would encourage you to review your list and then ask yourself if you're bringing to the table everything you are expecting to find in someone else? If not, it may be that you have those very parts inside you that are lying dormant and need to be further developed and healed. It is a much healthier approach to enter a relationship feeling like you are already a WHOLE person, not looking for someone to "complete you." During this period between relationships, I invite you to really dig deep and work on yourself...getting ready to vibrationally match the partner that you are seeking to find!

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